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I’ve swum in different seas, raced with husky-dogs through snowy woods, enjoyed the quiet view on top of a mountain.

My bucket list is long. There is so much to see, so much to do: See the North Pole, jump out of a plane, float through the sky, meet pirates…

My camera travels alongside me. Dangling from my shoulder, ready for action in my hand. Travelling nearby or afar.

Being born an raised on Ameland, the beach and the sea are in my genes.

I am always in search of new places to explore, meeting people, creating pictures.

I savour my surroundings, far away and nearby.

I specialise in Water Photography. Unlimited possibilities.

In the water, of the water, from the water, on the water. If it is a wave, a ripple, sports, people – I am there with my camera to shoot it.

Go ahead and contact me if you have a beautiful scene to be photographed.


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